Please use this form to register sponsor's Booth Minders who do not attend the seminar or take CE credit, but only work in the booth. Booth Minder registrations are complimentary and do not come with any meals. There is a limit of (2) Booth Minder registrations per booth.
Use this registration for each booth minder working in your sponsor booth. Limit 2 per company/booth.
Name, degree/designation, and company name will appear on the name badge exactly as entered below; please enter carefully.
Yes, it's okay to send me text messages including confirmations, changes, updates, and/or promotions. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. View our terms of service & privacy policy.
The complimentary booth minder registration does not include meals.
If you would like lunch provided during the event, you can preorder a grab-and-go lunch below. This option is available but not required; you are welcome to skip it if you prefer.
Grab-and-go lunches will be available for booth minders to assemble themselves in a designated area, separate from the meals provided for seminar attendees. Specific location details will be shared via email prior to the event
Booth Minder Lunch
Lunch is not provided in the Booth Minder complimentary registration. If you would like a Booth Minder lunch, please purchase it through this form.
Vegetarian Booth Minder Lunch
This Booth Minder lunch will be a lacto-ovo vegetarian option.
Vegan Booth Minder Lunch
This Booth Minder lunch will be vegan.